Module jakarta.json
Package jakarta.json

Interface JsonObject

All Superinterfaces:
JsonStructure, JsonValue, Map<String,JsonValue>

public interface JsonObject extends JsonStructure, Map<String,JsonValue>
JsonObject class represents an immutable JSON object value (an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs). It also provides unmodifiable map view to the JSON object name/value mappings.

A JsonObject instance can be created from an input source using JsonReader.readObject(). For example:

 JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(...);
 JsonObject object = jsonReader.readObject();
It can also be built from scratch using a JsonObjectBuilder.

For example 1: An empty JSON object can be built as follows:

 JsonObject object = Json.createObjectBuilder().build();
For example 2: The following JSON

     "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25,
     "address" : {
         "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
         "city": "New York",
         "state": "NY",
         "postalCode": "10021"
     "phoneNumber": [
         { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" },
         { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" }
can be built using :

 JsonObject value = Json.createObjectBuilder()
     .add("firstName", "John")
     .add("lastName", "Smith")
     .add("age", 25)
     .add("address", Json.createObjectBuilder()
         .add("streetAddress", "21 2nd Street")
         .add("city", "New York")
         .add("state", "NY")
         .add("postalCode", "10021"))
     .add("phoneNumber", Json.createArrayBuilder()
             .add("type", "home")
             .add("number", "212 555-1234"))
             .add("type", "fax")
             .add("number", "646 555-4567")))
JsonObject can be written to JSON as follows:

 JsonWriter writer = ...
 JsonObject obj = ...;
JsonObject values can be JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonString, JsonNumber, JsonValue.TRUE, JsonValue.FALSE, JsonValue.NULL. These values can be accessed using various accessor methods.

In the above example 2, "John" can be got using

 String firstName = object.getString("firstName");
This map object provides read-only access to the JSON object data, and attempts to modify the map, whether direct or via its collection views, result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

The map object's iteration ordering is based on the order in which name/value pairs are added to the corresponding builder or the order in which name/value pairs appear in the corresponding stream.