Class FlashFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class FlashFactory extends Object implements FacesWrapper<FlashFactory>

FlashFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns Flash instances. Implementations of Jakarta Faces must provide at least a default implementation of Flash.

There must be one FlashFactory instance per web application that is utilizing Jakarta Faces. This instance can be acquired, in a portable manner, by calling:

 FlashFactory factory = (FlashFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.FLASH_FACTORY);

The common way to access the flash instance from Java code is still via ExternalContext.getFlash(). The common way to access the flash from Faces views is the implicit Jakarta Expression Language object "flash". The runtime must ensure that the FlashFactory is used to instantiate the flash.

Usage: extend this class and push the implementation being wrapped to the constructor and use getWrapped() to access the instance being wrapped.
