Interface Jsonb

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Jsonb extends AutoCloseable

Jsonb provides an abstraction over the JSON Binding framework operations:

  • fromJson: read JSON input, deserialize to Java objects content tree
  • toJson: serialize Java objects content tree to JSON input

Instance of this class is created using JsonbBuilder builder methods:

 // Example 1 - Creating Jsonb using default JsonbBuilder instance provided by default JsonbProvider
 Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();

 // Example 2 - Creating Jsonb instance for a specific provider specified by a class name
 Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.newBuilder(";

 // Example 3 - Creating Jsonb instance from a custom provider implementation
 Jsonb jsonb = new CustomJsonbBuilder().build();
Deserializing (reading) JSON
Can de-serialize JSON data that represents either an entire JSON document or a subtree of a JSON document.
Reading (deserializing) object content tree from a File:

     Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();
     Book book = jsonb.fromJson(new FileReader("jsonfile.json"), Book.class);
If the deserialization process is unable to deserialize the JSON content to an object content tree, fatal error is reported that terminates processing by throwing JsonbException.

Serializing (writing) to JSON

Serialization writes the representation of a Java object content tree into JSON data.
Writing (serializing) object content tree to a File:

     jsonb.toJson(object, new FileWriter("foo.json"));
Writing (serializing) to a Writer:

     jsonb.toJson(object, new PrintWriter(System.out));


In deserialization operations (fromJson), encoding of JSON data is detected automatically. Use the JsonbConfig API to configure expected input encoding used within deserialization operations. Client applications are expected to supply a valid character encoding as defined in the RFC 7159 and supported by Java Platform. In serialization operations (toJson), UTF-8 encoding is used by default for writing JSON data. Use the JsonbConfig API to configure the output encoding used within serialization operations. Client applications are expected to supply a valid character encoding as defined in the RFC 7159 and supported by Java Platform.

For optimal use, JsonbBuilder and Jsonb instances should be reused - for a typical use-case, only one Jsonb instance is required by an application.

All the methods in this class are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.

Calling Closable.close() method will cleanup all CDI managed components (such as adapters with CDI dependencies) created during interaction with Jsonb. Calling close() must be done after all threads has finished interaction with Jsonb. If there are remaining threads working with Jsonb and close() is called, behaviour is undefined.

JSON Binding 1.0
See Also: