Class W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder


public final class W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder extends Object
This class is used to build W3CEndpointReference instances. The intended use of this clsss is for an application component, for example a factory component, to create an W3CEndpointReference for a web service endpoint published by the same Jakarta EE application. It can also be used to create W3CEndpointReferences for an Java SE based endpoint by providing the address property.

When creating a W3CEndpointReference for an endpoint that is not published by the same Jakarta EE application, the address property MUST be specified.

When creating a W3CEndpointReference for an endpoint published by the same Jakarta EE application, the address property MAY be null but then the serviceName and endpointName MUST specify an endpoint published by the same Jakarta EE application.

When the wsdlDocumentLocation is specified it MUST refer to a valid WSDL document and the serviceName and endpointName (if specified) MUST match a service and port in the WSDL document.

1.6, JAX-WS 2.1