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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


jakarta.annotation - module jakarta.annotation
jakarta.annotation - package jakarta.annotation
This package defines the common annotations. - package
This package contains the security common annotations.
jakarta.annotation.sql - package jakarta.annotation.sql
jakarta.cdi - module jakarta.cdi
The jakarta.cdi module; defines the CDI API exported packages, dependencies and services.
jakarta.cdi.lang.model - module jakarta.cdi.lang.model
The jakarta.cdi.lang.model module; defines the CDI Language Model API exported packages
jakarta.decorator - package jakarta.decorator
Annotations relating to decorators.
jakarta.enterprise.context - package jakarta.enterprise.context
Annotations and interfaces relating to scopes and contexts.
jakarta.enterprise.context.control - package jakarta.enterprise.context.control
jakarta.enterprise.context.spi - package jakarta.enterprise.context.spi
The custom context SPI.
jakarta.enterprise.event - package jakarta.enterprise.event
Annotations and interfaces relating to events.
jakarta.enterprise.inject - package jakarta.enterprise.inject - package
The build compatible extension SPI.
jakarta.enterprise.inject.literal - package jakarta.enterprise.inject.literal - package
jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi - package jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
The portable extension integration SPI.
jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator - package jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator
jakarta.enterprise.invoke - package jakarta.enterprise.invoke
jakarta.enterprise.lang.model - package jakarta.enterprise.lang.model
The core interfaces of the language model that represent annotations and annotation targets.
jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations - package jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
Interfaces that represent declarations.
jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types - package jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types
Interfaces that represent types.
jakarta.enterprise.util - package jakarta.enterprise.util
Contains shared, general-purpose helper classes and annotations.
jakarta.inject - module jakarta.inject
jakarta.inject - package jakarta.inject
This package specifies a means for obtaining objects in such a way as to maximize reusability, testability and maintainability compared to traditional approaches such as constructors, factories, and service locators (e.g., JNDI). This process, known as dependency injection, is beneficial to most nontrivial applications.
jakarta.interceptor - module jakarta.interceptor
jakarta.interceptor - package jakarta.interceptor
Contains annotations and interfaces for defining interceptor methods and interceptor classes, and for binding interceptor classes to target classes.
jakarta.json - module jakarta.json
Jakarta JSON Processing API.
jakarta.json - package jakarta.json
Provides an object model API to process JSON.
jakarta.json.bind - module jakarta.json.bind
Jakarta JSON Binding API.
jakarta.json.bind - package jakarta.json.bind
Provides JSON Binding API, which enables binding Java objects from and to JSON documents.
jakarta.json.bind.adapter - package jakarta.json.bind.adapter
Defines adapter related classes.
jakarta.json.bind.annotation - package jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Defines annotations for customizing the mapping between Java program elements and JSON documents.
jakarta.json.bind.config - package jakarta.json.bind.config
Defines strategies and policies for customizing the mapping between Java program elements and JSON documents.
jakarta.json.bind.serializer - package jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Defines serializer depending classes.
jakarta.json.bind.spi - package jakarta.json.bind.spi
Service Provider Interface (SPI) to plug in implementations of JSON Binding API JsonbBuilder objects.
jakarta.json.spi - package jakarta.json.spi
Service Provider Interface (SPI) to plug in implementations for JSON processing objects. - package
Provides a streaming API to parse and generate JSON. - module
Defines the Jakarta RESTful Web Services API - package
High-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources. - package
The JAX-RS client API - package
Container-specific JAX-RS API. - package
Low-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources. - package
APIs that provide extensions to the types supported by the JAX-RS API. - package
Server-Sent Events related API.
JaxbAdapter() - Constructor for class
JaxbLink() - Constructor for class
Default constructor needed during unmarshalling.
JaxbLink(URI) - Constructor for class
Construct an instance from a URI and no parameters.
JaxbLink(URI, Map<QName, Object>) - Constructor for class
Construct an instance from a URI and some parameters.
Name of the property identifying the ClientBuilder implementation to be returned from ClientBuilder.newBuilder().
Name of the property identifying the SseEventSource.Builder implementation to be returned from newBuilder().
JAXRS_RUNTIME_DELEGATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Name of the property identifying the RuntimeDelegate implementation to be returned from RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().
json(T) - Static method in class
Create an "application/json" entity.
Json - Class in jakarta.json
Factory class for creating JSON processing objects.
JsonArray - Interface in jakarta.json
JsonArray represents an immutable JSON array (an ordered sequence of zero or more values).
JsonArrayBuilder - Interface in jakarta.json
A builder for creating JsonArray models from scratch, and for modifying a existing JsonArray.
Jsonb - Interface in jakarta.json.bind
Jsonb provides an abstraction over the JSON Binding framework operations:
JsonbAdapter<Original,Adapted> - Interface in jakarta.json.bind.adapter
Allows to define custom mapping for given java type.
JsonbAnnotation - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Marks any relevant JSON Binding annotations.
JsonbBuilder - Interface in jakarta.json.bind
JsonbBuilder class provides the client's entry point to the JSON Binding API.
JsonbConfig - Class in jakarta.json.bind
Supported Properties
JsonbConfig() - Constructor for class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
JsonbCreator - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
This annotation identifies the custom constructor or factory method to use when creating an instance of the associated class.
JsonbDateFormat - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to set custom date format to field or JavaBean property.
JsonbDeserializer<T> - Interface in jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Interface representing a custom deserializer for a given type.
JsonbException - Exception Class in jakarta.json.bind
Root class for all JSON Binding exceptions.
JsonbException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
JsonbException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonbNillable - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Specifies how fields having null values are serialized into JSON.
JsonbNumberFormat - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to set custom number format to field or JavaBean property.
JsonbProperty - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Allows customization of field (or JavaBean property) name.This name is used either in serialization or in deserialization.
JsonbPropertyOrder - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Specifies order in which properties are serialized.
JsonbProvider - Class in jakarta.json.bind.spi
Service provider for JSON Binding implementations.
JsonbProvider() - Constructor for class jakarta.json.bind.spi.JsonbProvider
Protected constructor.
JsonbSerializer<T> - Interface in jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Interface representing a custom serializer for given type.
JsonbSubtype - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Subtype is tightly bound to the JsonbTypeInfo.
JsonbTransient - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Prevents mapping of a Java Bean property, field or type to JSON representation.
JsonbTypeAdapter - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to set custom JsonbAdapter to field or JavaBean property.
JsonbTypeDeserializer - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to set custom JsonbDeserializer to field or JavaBean property.
JsonbTypeInfo - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Configuration annotation of the type information handling.
JsonbTypeSerializer - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to set custom JsonbSerializer to field or JavaBean property.
JsonBuilderFactory - Interface in jakarta.json
Factory to create JsonObjectBuilder and JsonArrayBuilder instances.
JsonbVisibility - Annotation Interface in jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Annotation provides way how to customize visibility strategy of the JSON Binding.
JsonCollectors - Class in
This class contains some implementations of for accumulating JsonValues into JsonArray and JsonObject.
JsonConfig - Class in jakarta.json
This class contains the Json properties and values.
JsonConfig.KeyStrategy - Enum Class in jakarta.json
Contains the different values allowed for JsonConfig.KEY_STRATEGY.
JsonException - Exception Class in jakarta.json
JsonException indicates that some exception happened during JSON processing.
JsonException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.json.JsonException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
JsonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.json.JsonException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonGenerationException - Exception Class in
JsonGenerationException indicates an incorrect JSON is being generated.
JsonGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
JsonGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonGenerator - Interface in
Writes JSON data to an output source in a streaming way.
JsonGeneratorFactory - Interface in
Factory to create JsonGenerator instances.
JsonLocation - Interface in
Provides the location information of a JSON event in an input source.
JsonMergePatch - Interface in jakarta.json
This interface represents an implementation of a JSON Merge Patch as defined by RFC 7396.
JsonNumber - Interface in jakarta.json
An immutable JSON number value.
JsonObject - Interface in jakarta.json
JsonObject class represents an immutable JSON object value (an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs).
JsonObjectBuilder - Interface in jakarta.json
A builder for creating JsonObject models from scratch.
JSONP_PROVIDER_FACTORY - Static variable in class jakarta.json.spi.JsonProvider
The name of the property that contains the name of the class capable of creating new JsonProvider objects.
JsonParser - Interface in
Provides forward, read-only access to JSON data in a streaming way.
JsonParser.Event - Enum Class in
An event from JsonParser.
JsonParserFactory - Interface in
Factory for creating JsonParser instances.
JsonParsingException - Exception Class in
JsonParsingException is used when an incorrect JSON is being parsed.
JsonParsingException(String, JsonLocation) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
JsonParsingException(String, Throwable, JsonLocation) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonPatch - Interface in jakarta.json
This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Patch as defined by RFC 6902.
JsonPatch.Operation - Enum Class in jakarta.json
This enum represents the list of valid JSON Patch operations as defined by RFC 6902.
JsonPatchBuilder - Interface in jakarta.json
A builder for constructing a JSON Patch as defined by RFC 6902 by adding JSON Patch operations incrementally.
JsonPointer - Interface in jakarta.json
This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Pointer as defined by RFC 6901.
JsonProvider - Class in jakarta.json.spi
Service provider for JSON processing objects.
JsonProvider() - Constructor for class jakarta.json.spi.JsonProvider
Default constructor.
JsonReader - Interface in jakarta.json
Reads a JSON object or an array structure from an input source.
JsonReaderFactory - Interface in jakarta.json
Factory to create JsonReader instances.
JsonString - Interface in jakarta.json
An immutable JSON string value.
JsonStructure - Interface in jakarta.json
Super type for the two structured types in JSON (objects and arrays).
JsonValue - Interface in jakarta.json
JsonValue represents an immutable JSON value.
JsonValue.ValueType - Enum Class in jakarta.json
Indicates the type of a JsonValue object.
JsonWriter - Interface in jakarta.json
Writes a JSON object or array structure to an output source.
JsonWriterFactory - Interface in jakarta.json
Factory to create JsonWriter instances.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form